Video-1148 Formosa Is a Blessed Land with Many Heaven Gates
Video-1148 Formosa Is a Blessed Land with Many Heaven Gates
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  • Summary

Thirty-Three Heaven Gates concentrates on one little island. None of the countries have that much. No. Big ones don't have that much. You guys are very lucky, to be Taiwanese and to be sitting here. Here is a big number as well. Big number concentrated on this one. Kaohsiung, here we have eleven. (Wow.) That's one third. Only this small Center have eleven. There's another island, like two in Penghu. And the Green Island, they call it Green Island, "Lu Dao," has one. So, three outside, thirty on the main island, and we have eleven over here. Don't you think you're very lucky beings? Therefore, we have about 98% spiritual value. So you come here, you have more spiritual support, right? Because Heaven Gates give you very positive energy to help you when you meditate.

And in any case, but now the only room I have is my bedroom. The bedroom is small, but it’s OK, good enough. A bed and a sofa and a little table. Today I thought, “Oh, I should have shown him my house, so he doesn’t have illusions that I live in a very well and comfortable house.” Even in the corridor, dogs are there. And the veranda, also dogs, so that they can run up and down when they are inside the house. So, I have only a little space to put these two racks to hang my clothes on. That’s my property, shared with them. So he thinks I live very well there. And every time I come in and out of the bedroom and I have to be very quiet. I do everything in the bedroom: praying, meditating, and eating, sometimes. I put medicine there and some necessary stuff. That’s how well I live. It just looks good, it’s not much. It looks very big, but it’s just the roof is big and the outside, the terrace is big, but all the dogs are there.