Video-S11 The Essence of a Buddha
Video-S11 The Essence of a Buddha
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Maybe I was born a Hungarian some other day, because I love (vegan) goulash very much. When I was alone, that was what I cooked. Well, I didn’t think it was goulash per se, but I cooked like that, similar, all the time. It’s a normal Chinese restaurant. And I just told her: “Cook whatever. All of us are vegetarian (vegan). We don’t even taste fish or sauce, meat sauce or anything; so please just bring anything that’s pure vegetarian (vegan). Please wash the cooking utensils.” And they did exactly. It tasted so good! It didn’t stink. And it tasted really good! They cooked with love! I was so pleased, I gave them double the price. I always love the Chinese. When they are abroad, they have a lot of hardship. Strange land, strange language. So I always, whenever I can buy things from the Chinese shop, I always buy.

My phone is there. …Can you imagine? Today we’re so advanced. The whole world is connected just by this little apparatus. Incredible, no? So if we are a little bit more advanced, we don’t need this. Just direct. Right now we are already very advanced, no? Like you’re at home, you can talk to me. Well, I hear, but sometimes you don’t hear, that’s the problem, like one-way traffic. Soon, soon, soon we both can hear each other. It’ll be better, then you’ll never do anything wrong. Yes!

I want to tell you there's another Buddha who sits among you. (Wow!) This time you guess, OK? Whomever you pointed before, I want to ask you why, OK? Why? (He is very patient and tolerant.) But that is not the only requirement. I'm teaching you by explaining to you the quality you admired, whether it's enough or not to have it as a mark of a Buddha. Just qualities, just character. But we need more than that. Lots of points. When we say one level... It's not a number. It's a vast dimension of spiritual attainment. I'm telling. This guy. (Wow!) I knew it before he came already. I asked for a special ID. But he needed a little push, you know, afterward. There! We celebrate again!

All the qualities that you pointed out from all the different brothers, they are good qualities. They are excellent qualities. So I do hope that they keep them, and I do hope that you imitate them. First, you imitate by outward repetition, later, it will become your nature. And the Buddha will not feel that he’s a Buddha. Sometimes he does, but sometimes not. The ones who become Buddhas, they had already been practicing before. And they… like not from a very low level, so it’s easier. And some of the persons had been my disciples before, but they had not reached the Fifth Level. And this guy had been a disciple of somebody else before. And I just continue to push him up a little bit. I mean not this life, but other lifetimes. He came from like Third Level. He came down here to advance his spiritual grade. That’s their special purpose. They come here just for that. So you can see they’re very devoted. Just one way to go.

Love is not a bar to spiritual progress. It’s just attachment is a different thing. I can’t really explain it. Some couples are very loving together, and they’re OK. And other couples look like also loving together, but it’s attachment. You understand? You two are love! Because you are highly developed persons, so you have real love, understand? It’s different. But attachment really will slow you down. It’s just we all have artistic tendency within us. Because we came from the Creator, it’s the urge to create, beautiful things. We came from beautiful planets, and we came from beautiful worlds. We came from beauty, truth, and virtues. So even in the human form, we’re so encased, so blind, and so locked up, we still feel the urge to do it. Some people feel more, some people feel less. It depends on the situation that they can develop or not.