Video-S12 Understand Emotional Ties and Transcend Karma
Video-S12 Understand Emotional Ties and Transcend Karma
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It takes a lot of merit, devotion and goodness inside; of course, and enlightenment. Most of the Buddhas, when they became Buddha, they don’t know it, because of the grace of the Master as well. They do feel that they’re clean, but because it’s so subtle! But they will know if they lose it! Whenever they lost the Buddhahood or their level goes down, they know it. For you it’s easy. Just keep the Five Precepts, meditate, recite the Five (Holy) Names, remember the Gift, and go straight up, sooner or later. Nothing can stop you now. Nothing can tempt you anymore. Nothing wants even to go near! Not everyone we love will return our love. It’s life. That’s life! Affinity, you know? Sometimes the enemy can come back, they hurt you in different ways. In the form of “love,” a lot of people use it to hurt each other.

And life after life, we meet people, and sometimes we react with them, and they react with you. If it's good, then they come back as your friend or as your good lover. If it's bad, they come back as, you know, people who break your heart. We meet our acquaintances all the time, understand? All the time! It's not rare that you meet someone who strikes some memories in you. It's very difficult to realize who is who. Because life after life, you play so many roles, you get all confused, you know? Enemies, friends, love, hate, all kinds of things. So whatever mistake you make, it comes back. Therefore, there's always the Precepts to tell you to be careful. Some of you could have attained a higher level already, but you can't because of relationships. It might make you happy, but it might bind you, who knows? And this costs you sometimes spiritual attainment.

Sometimes a mundane problem cannot be separated from spiritual issue. It's a very difficult thing. Enemies always happen to bump into each other, (Yes.) and then "love at first sight" even, and all that stuff. And then you never know what. Everything is "fooled up". All the appearances in this world just kind of fool you. And yet, you lost everything, and you don't even know! Already prepared! That’s maya, already prepared the karma from last life. Whoever’s your enemy, they plant it around you, to make trouble. Even planted as your friend, your husband or your wife, it’s difficult to get rid of. But you’re lucky! You have only one, baby! I have many! And I have to love them, take care of them just like you. Don’t have to divorce a person just because he eats meat or drinks alcohol – you change him! You’ve been with him a long time, you should help him as a friend even. You tell him that you’d prefer him to be vegetarian and not to drink (alcohol), and then maybe you’d feel better about it, and then he will do it. He is very, very loyal, and he loves you. And on that basis, you can work (it out).

“Most of the time they are enemies?” You have to have something to stay together. So mostly it’s the enemy’s energy that makes you feel… strikes you. Like something’s there, so you begin to pay attention to that person. This is the force of karma! The guy is ugly, for example. But because of the karma, you think he’s the most attractive guy on the whole planet. Emotional bond is very strong. It’s not easy to shake it. Sometimes you get out of that relationship, and you pay something else. So, it's always a price. But sometimes it's the time you get out. If you feel really strong urge to get out, then that means it's time. Sometimes you want to get out but you can't, then maybe it is still too strong. But we are practitioners - you can be strong, strong will, and you have a lot of spiritual merit. You can pay a little bit for that so that you can get out.

“I haven’t seen my father for 20 years. I wonder if it is due to the karma, or is it good or not good.” If he did something wrong, you forgive him. Because our real Father is not even him. Everything works out just fine. Whatever happens, happens. It’s not your fault; it’s not his fault. Just the working of karma. Sometimes, he has only affinity with you for two days or two years or five years, and the affinity’s finished, he’s gone. Sometimes it’s good to forgive. It feels good. Otherwise, there’s a knot in there all the time if you don’t open it. Maybe just have a look at him, and talk to him. You don’t have to always see him, but no need to hate the person. At least, he is an excuse for you to come into this world, and then you meet spiritual practice.