Video-S13 Master the Mind to Fully Manifest Buddha Nature
Video-S13 Master the Mind to Fully Manifest Buddha Nature
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Even if you are high level, you have to train your mind. Understand this? You’re high level because of God’s grace. It’s not necessarily always your merit. The mind, it’s never gone to the Fifth Level, understand? Can never! So, it’s not just that you have some billions of points, you become Buddhas, and that’s that. You have to remember to refine your character and to train your mind to be efficient in every way possible, and to direct the mind always into service, unconditional love. The soul is OK already. The soul, I take care. Now, you have to take care of your mind, your character, your heart, because it’s possible that even though you’ve become a Buddha, but your mind has stood still for a while, rusty, and you forget to be vigilant. To be Master of the mind.

The Buddha is easy to train, the mind is not. So, it’s not every practitioner that is picked by Heaven to be a Master. It’s very difficult for a person who has grown up, became a Buddha, and also be obedient at the same time. Because, he’s not used to it! He became already a family man, and everybody in the family already listens to him. He is used to just telling everybody what to do, and then he doesn’t know what it’s like to listen. It’s very difficult to train your mind. I don’t care if you are a Buddha or not. It’s easier for me sometimes to use a non-Buddha. That’s why. I don’t ask you anything more. Very, very small things! And I really am happy if you do it. So, everything you do in life, do not think that it is a small thing. You just do your small things perfectly, and the world is perfect. Because, the world is made up of all these small particles of things.

Do not be too proud if you are successful. Because if you are too proud or too confident, you could do wrong. So, always be very vigilant about what you think, and what you do. Otherwise, it’s always messed up, not just your life, everybody else’s life, understand? Every time we do something wrong, we cause karma. And if you do something wrong against me, that is worse. On top of that, you mess up with the whole world’s life and karma, and everything. You obstruct the mission of the Master, and that influences the whole planet, or the whole universe even, and your karma is huge, do you understand? I told you already, it’s easier to get a Buddha than to train the mind. So do not have an illusion that when a person becomes a Buddha, he is perfect already immediately. So, don’t poison him further than he’s already suffocated with. Not too much praising, not prostrating, leave the Buddhas alone, or he’ll die quick. You have to practice like there is no tomorrow for you. It’s all about inside things; it’s not the outside.