Video-0933-2 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai——Fruity Tutti Sorbet and Mint Soya Sorbet
Video-0933-2 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai——Fruity Tutti Sorbet and Mint Soya Sorbet
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Bringing appetite appeal to hot summer days, Supreme Master Ching Hai has specially taught some summer refreshing desserts and light meals, including Summer Ice Popsicles and Fruity Tutti Sorbet. These simple delicious vegan cuisines not only reduce summer heat but also bring refreshment and good appetite.

Supreme Master also reminded: “Whether you eat them raw or cook them, you should always... wash vegetables and fruit in salty water. Soak them 3-5 minutes just to take away any harmful substance that might be attached to the skin... When you’re cooking, you better recite the Holy Names... to make the food transform into nutrition and light.” Furthermore, “... Don’t forget to thank Heaven before you eat. That will bless your food and you will feel happier, healthier. Not just that, but we have to be grateful for what we have.”