Video-0927-1 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai——Lunar New Year Hot Pot & Reunion Pudding
Video-0927-1 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai——Lunar New Year Hot Pot & Reunion Pudding
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Revealing the art of vegan cooking to the world so as to bring warm and loving atmosphere to families and friends, Supreme Master Ching Hai specially showed us how to make simple, fast and nutritious vegan meals. We can easily serve our guests on ordinary days as well as for memorable festivals. Vegan delicacies allow us to be a good host, to enjoy good taste and at the same time present our love to all beings across the whole universe.

The Supreme Master cooked a fresh, sweet and rich soup from fruits and vegetables, complemented with a colorful vegetable skewer, which combined as a great choice for a round table hot pot during Lunar New Year. The Supreme Master also emphasized that we should always cook with love, reciting the holy names and God’s name, so both our family and ourselves can receive the blessing power via food and live a happy and virtuous life.