Video-0962 We Cannot Become a Saint Without a Loving Heart
Video-0962 We Cannot Become a Saint Without a Loving Heart
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  • Summary

What kind of attitude should we have when advocating the message of saving the Earth? Why should parents take good responsibility in taking care of their children?

In a gathering with international Association members, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized that spiritual practitioners should have a loving heart. If we don’t have love, we aren’t actually spiritual practitioners! Love is important because God is love. If we have love, we are one with God. Use your heart, your loving heart. Always think of other people, and serve unconditionally.

In addition, the Supreme Master encouraged fellow initiates to meditate and practice the Quan Yin Method diligently: “When we practice, we have to be truly sincere and patient. Just continue to practice sincerely. You don’t even need to ask any questions. All things will be resolved by themselves.”