Video-TV1 Walk the Way of a Living Saint
Video-TV1 Walk the Way of a Living Saint
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  • Summary


Main contents

 Charity and Relief Work in Formosa

 Supreme Master's Ching Hai's Journey to Africa 



 Touched by the loving example of Supreme Master Ching Hai's selfless dedication, members and volunteers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association participated in charity services throughout the years, in the hope of presenting love and care developed through spiritual practice to benefit society at large. The first part of the film shows Association members in Formosa participating in recent environmental protection activities and disaster relief work for the 921 Earthquake, Typhoon Nari, etc. 

 The latter half of the film follows Supreme Master Ching Hai's visit to Africa. In 1999, the Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to speak at the Parliament of the World's Religions, give a lecture tour, and hold an international retreat to pray for world peace. The film includes an excellent televised interview with the Supreme Master Ching Hai conducted by SABC, the largest television station in South Africa, and an exquisite dance performance by a group of South African Zulu children.