Video-0993 A New Year of Compassion: Special Message from Supreme Master Ching Hai & Bidding Farewell to Supreme Master Television
Video-0993 A New Year of Compassion: Special Message from Supreme Master Ching Hai & Bidding Farewell to Supreme Master Television
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  • Summary

This video/audio features a very special message from Supreme Master Ching Hai to the world through video conferences with the staff of Supreme Master Television during the 2012 New Year period, when she also bade farewell to the audience.

During the conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized: “Life does not start here when we are born, or end when we are dead, and enlightenment is only the beginning.” She also urged people to meditate deeply for world peace.

At the farewell video conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her gratitude to the supportive audience worldwide and all the personnel working for the television. She also listened to heart-warming messages and well wishes from the audience who were reluctant to part with the television.

Finally, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed the newly increased Heavenly Portals, Heavenly Roads, and Spiritual Blessing Lines at our ashrams and centers in different countries, and the intensity of their blessing power. She then encouraged everyone to practice diligently to help the world to become a vegan paradise soon.