Video-0996 Changing Heaven and Earth
Video-0996 Changing Heaven and Earth
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai thanks the Association members for being good, and doing a lot of good jobs in the world, and says, “We are already doing some good jobs, invisibly. So, meditation’s even more effective, because at that time, your purpose is to be one with God.”

The Supreme Master points out that an example is better than thousands of words, and that an invisible, purposeful, good intentioned holy example is even more powerful. “That's why my meditation helps the world. That's why your meditation helps the world. Maybe in a lesser degree, but it helps.”

She adds, “The higher you go, the quicker you assimilate, and the more you can draw from the spiritual energy of the universe. And we can really change Heaven and Earth. So we can move everything, we can even move Heaven gates to where we want.”