Video-0947 Celebrating the Moon Festival with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Video-0947 Celebrating the Moon Festival with Supreme Master Ching Hai
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  • Summary

August 15th of the lunar calendar is the Moon Festival, which is an important folk festival in China and several Asian countries like Aulac (Vietnam) and Korea. On October 3rd, 2009, Supreme Master Ching Hai celebrated Moon Festival with our Association members in France, and shared moon cakes and non-alcoholic champagne with them. Our Association members took the opportunity to sing songs related to the moon to entertain Master, while Master also taught them word by word an Aulacese (Vietnamese) nursery rhyme about the moon, and then sang and danced with them. Everyone felt cheerful and joyous afterwards. Master said,” You know why people like the round moon so much? Because it’s like your perfection.” “You have the moon inside, when you meditate, you see the moon sometimes.”