Video-0948 To Stop All Vices: Help Others to be Independent
Video-0948 To Stop All Vices: Help Others to be Independent
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  • Summary

Drugs, violence, killing and so on, most of which derive from ignorance and poverty, are the reasons of much suffering in this world. To stop this vicious cycle, governments should take their role in helping its people get rid of poverty, and family education is of utmost importance here. Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged all parents, and even grandparents, using their inner wisdom, to guide their off-spring to live an independent and virtuous life.

In addition the Supreme Master also explained the causes of disasters that have happened around the globe. It is because the violent energy projected from humans has to be neutralized and diluted by nature. So the Supreme Master said, “We, as humans, the crown of all creation, have to take the lead, have to be virtuous, have to be good. Then the whole world will be good.”