Video-0907 Veganism Radiates Compassionate Energy
Video-0907 Veganism Radiates Compassionate Energy
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  • Summary

At a gathering with Association Members, Supreme Master Ching Hai frankly said that people can be saved if only they become vegans. She also reveals that dogs fed with vegan food have become kinder. The longer they are vegan the kinder they became. A survey found that most dogs who had been vegan for 5 years or more were in good or excellent health as vegan foods have been found to have fewer infections.

The Supreme Master reminded us that everyone has an aura around and the aura changes. It has to come from a mental change. A concept that “now I am going to live a life of a real human. I don’t want to harm anybody. I don’t want to harm any animals. I will live a very virtuous life, very peaceful life.” and then you direct your whole body’s DNA to go in that direction.