Video-0903(1.2) Elevate Ourselves and Serve Others
Video-0903(1.2) Elevate Ourselves and Serve Others
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  • Summary

Facing a difficult mundane life is like forging gold. It makes us stronger, kinder, and able to attain inner perfection and to elevate our level. When we serve others wholeheartedly, love animals with sincerity and respect, and spread the message with a loving heart and patience, we influence people to choose a more compassionate and better life.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai kindly reminds us, “That’s how the world is helped, through you also. Through me, but then through you also. You’re like my hands, my feet – you go everywhere, you reach everybody for me, and that’s how we help each other. Because not only do we help other people, but also help our children to live in a better environment in the future.”