Video-0886 When We Pray Alone
Video-0886 When We Pray Alone
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  • Summary

In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai shares the ancient wisdom of different cultures while reading a Chinese tale, “The Immortal in Sheep’s Clothing.”  According to the story, Zho Chi is an immortal who has mastered magical arts.  However, Cao Cao, the ambitious Prime Minister, is jealous of Zho Chi and tries to get rid of him. Why is Cao Cao afraid of Zho Chi? Will Zho Chi be able to help himself get out of this situation? Please listen to the story and explore human beings’ subtle psychology together.

In another gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly reads a poem entitled “When We Pray Alone” from the Sufi master, Rumi. The Supreme Master not only offers her precious insight into this poem, but also explains the importance of group meditation and reveals the secrets of spiritual progress, which are valuable guidance for spiritual seekers.