Video-0878(1.2) Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Secrets of Venus
Video-0878(1.2) Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Secrets of Venus
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  • Summary

Billions of years ago, Venus was once a lush, beautiful, Earth-like planet, full of life and hope. However, the Venus that we see today is trapped in extremely dense layers of carbon dioxide; the concurrent global warming activities giving rise to surface temperatures of up to 500 degrees Celsius, which make for an uninhabitable and lifeless planet.

In this intriguing discussion with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed the history of Venus, sourced from the hidden Galaxy Record Library. Also brought to light the main cause for the destruction of Venus, this once-beautiful sister planet of Earth. The Supreme Master further explained that at that time Venus was out of balance with the karmic law, “Because they concentrated all on the physical aspect of development. They did not care about spiritual practice.  That’s why they got destroyed.”