Video-0964 Meng Tzu and the King of Qi
Video-0964 Meng Tzu and the King of Qi
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  • Summary

In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai tells stories of the Chinese saint and sage, Meng Tzu.

The King of Qi modestly asked advice from Meng Tzu about virtue, diplomacy, how to win people’s hearts, and courage. Meng Tzu pointed out that compassion and wisdom are the golden rules. Compassion should start from the king and spread to the people. Knowing how to share happiness and sorrow with one’s citizens will earn their trust, love and esteem. The king must consider the people’s well-being as first priority, make resolute and correct decisions, and promote the virtuous and the talented. Then the country will be prosperous and strong.

The Supreme Master further illustrates the qualities of a good leader, saying, “The merit of a country will bring a good leader or a bad leader. And if the leader is willing to listen to good advice, then he will be also an excellent leader.”