Video-1007-5 What Is Heaven
Video-1007-5 What Is Heaven
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  • Summary


The lifespan of the Earth is growing longer and longer, expanding faster and faster! Fellow initiates who had opened vegan restaurants spoke about their own direct experience of changes in the world population: more people are choosing the compassionate vegan diet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed: We have elevated the world. Even though people are not all vegan, they are good, and that is why we can elevate them. As for the bad ones, they will be eliminated. Although the process will be painful, the laws of karma are very strict; even Heaven cannot interfere.

Moreover, Supreme Master enumerated once again the multitude benefits of living in a small dwelling, such as saving on expenses and cleaning time. More importantly, with fewer worries we are more focused when we meditate, and our lives are more simple and easy.



In this special gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai announced the good news that the Earth's lifespan has been extended, and that 99.9% of world’s population had been uplifted to at least the Third Level.

How can we tell our enemies from past lives? Supreme Master shared that the intimate partner is often our past life enemy. A lack of love and care in a former life made us enemies, so this lifetime we come back together to learn the lesson of love.

Supreme Master also explained that everyone has the highest Godly nature within, which is full of love. In our daily life, we show this love by caring for one another’s feelings and needs. Do not hesitate to show love anytime, and always make your partner feel loved!



During this international gathering, the Supreme Master Ching Hai recalled experiences from her own life as well as Master Yogananda’s story. These examples remind us to treasure our close ones and to always express our love and affection to our parents.

Sometimes suffering will make us understand others better. We become more humble, enlightened, compassionate, loving and patient. So we should be thankful for the hardship of suffering, as it gives us the chance to grow up. At the same time, we should not judge by appearance. Even though someone might seem unfriendly, perhaps he or she is suffering at that time but cannot share with anyone.

During this gathering, the Supreme Master also shared her exceptional love story and experiences in movie production when she was young.


1007-4, 1007-5

During this gathering, the Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the differences between human and Heavenly worlds. As Master could not bear to see sentient beings suffer, she negotiated wholeheartedly with Heaven to save the Earth and her beings, sharing with fellow initiates the details of how she fought to extend the life of our planet.

Apart from inner experiences during meditation, how can we know if we are making progress? “If you see a person become happier, more tolerant, more loving, more compassionate than before, then it does not matter if he does not know. He has already reached the level of Heaven.” Master specifically reminded all initiates that even though the grace of God elevates people’s level, if people make mistakes again, their body and mind will still suffer the karma. This is why after initiation we need to be even more diligent about keeping high moral standards and the five precepts, to become a saintly person.