Video-1008(1.2) Develop Compassion and Love Along with Spiritual Practice
Video-1008(1.2) Develop Compassion and Love Along with Spiritual Practice
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  • Summary

Why is it that being extremely poor or exceptionally successful cannot help one reach ultimate liberation? Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us to stay alert to “Maya’s trap” and to always develop our morals, wisdom and love. The biggest difference between Buddha and Maya is not power, but love. That is why with our spiritual practice we should keep the Five Precepts and develop our compassion, kindness and care for those who suffer.

The human body is precious; we thus need to do our best to preserve planet Earth so that more fellow humans have the chance to correct their mistakes and practice spiritually. In this way, future generations can continue on with a virtuous way of life. Extending the planet’s life does not mean humans can avoid all disasters. We need to care and protect this Earth with real actions, creating a wonderful world where societies are affluent and all beings live together in peace.

In ancient times, men and women each specialized in their own areas. How is it that humans went from a matriarchy to a male-dominated patriarchal society? Offering a detailed explanation for this, Supreme Master Ching Hai suggests that men and women learn from one another and that men especially should learn to express their inner feelings.

A fellow initiate said that only after following Supreme Master in spiritual practice did he truly understand what love is. Accounts such as these allow us to witness the unconditional love of this great soul. Even at a most difficult moment, Master still only cares about others’ needs and feelings, and she helps continuously the ones next to her. Her incredible love and modesty awakens the inner loving quality within us all.