Video-0913(1.2) Revelations on the Magnanimous Sun and the Universe
Video-0913(1.2) Revelations on the Magnanimous Sun and the Universe
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  • Summary

What tremendous benefits does the sun provide to our spiritual elevation and denomination? What is the link between solar flares and spiritual attainment? What proof is there of life on Mars? In this videoconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals secrets of the sun never told before, saying, “We have to thank the sun infinitely, the magnificent sun, benevolent sun, the noble sun, the spiritually, so high, spiritual sun to reveal to me this, because in the whole universe it has not been told; it has not been revealed.” The Supreme Master also answers questions from Supreme Master Television staff on mysteries of the universe including black holes, Spiritual Blessing Lines, and the spiritual journey of Masters through physical realms.