Video-0840 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Humans Are Inherently Compassionate & Loving
Video-0840 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Humans Are Inherently Compassionate & Loving
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai speaks about the importance of living a virtuous life by keeping the moral precepts as well as a vegetarian diet, and being good and kind to others including our animal co-inhabitants. Such a noble way of living can empower people to enter a positive life cycle. Master explained that positive power is always greater than negative power.

As most people have been misled in their current life style, they have not been properly informed of the harmful effect of meat eating. Not only does it create heavy karma for people, but meat consumption contributes directly to 80% of the pollution associated with Global Warming.

The future of our planet depends on us. The governments and the media must help to spread the word to the masses and let everyone understand the great harm meat consumption does to people and the planet.