00825 The Origin and Methods of Offering Food to God
00825 The Origin and Methods of Offering Food to God
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Master led the disciples in chanting the “Incense Praise” and “Offering Food to God,” and then she explained that the SadaBuddhawas the greatest of all Buddhas, and that praising Him is like chanting a mantra. However, people don’t understand this while they chant:  “Why do I teach you to do this chanting?  It’s because you are at different spiritual levels, and most still have the emotions of the Astral level, and through chanting, you can release some of the emotions. If you don’t let the emotions out, they will be suppressed inside until you explode.”

“India is a poor country, but they have a beautiful tradition: When people come to anyone’s home, they are treated like gods.  There are Indian legends that tell about the manifestation of God coming down as a beggar or a traveling monk and appearing at people’s homes to give them blessing. God came down because Hes heard their sincere prayers asking for blessing.  But if God comes to your home and you don’t even offer some water or a morsel of bread, Hes will have no good excuse to give you blessing.  The reason Hes asks for a little something is to give you a chance to receive God’s blessing.  If all your life you haven’t done any good deeds, and because of your poverty, you haven’t offered anything to people, then at least you should treat your guests like the manifestation of God.”