02257-V0911 The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master(1,2)
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  • Summary

"We are all from love, we must be love, and we must act in love." During this special teleconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai imparts her wisdom with Supreme Master Television staff. She reiterates that all living beings are connected; all religions should represent love, and only love should be upheld. Meditating on the light and sound can connect us with God. When we are lighter in our consciousness, we can be in tune with other living beings. In contrast, violent thoughts, actions, and especially killing living beings all go against the principle of love, bringing negative energy to the world and leading to natural disasters and wars. A living Master sacrifices his or her own spiritual points in order to help others to progress by sharing merits, e.g. when people are viewing Master’s videos. The Supreme Master also revealed information on hers own Heaven Quality, Loving Quality and Wisdom Quality upon the request of the audiences.