00751 Bible Stories~The Tower of Babel+The Angels Rescue Lot+God Tests Abraham
00751 Bible Stories~The Tower of Babel+The Angels Rescue Lot+God Tests Abraham
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  • Summary

The Tower of Babel~

There’s a moral to the story and we can learn from it. What is it? The more comfortable human beings become, the less they think of God. Back when their parents were still alive, everything was very simple. Everyone lived in the ark and remembered God all the time. Not too long afterwards, God gave them comfortable lives. There were no floods, no punishments and no reminders so they began to feel they were great.

The Angels Rescue Lot ~

Just like in the story -- Lot’s wife, even when God had already sent people to warn them to leave quickly, was still attached to their possessions. As a result, the possessions were gone and her life was also gone. When we have life, the human body, we can get back some possessions after a while. But when the body is gone, it’s not useful anymore.

God Tests Abraham~

It was very good to have such faith in God. Since all things are created by God, if God wants any of them back, we should return them to Hirm for they belonged to Hirm originally. Abraham and his wife were very old and had no hope of bearing any children, but they eventually had one. What a marvelous thing that was!