00794 Bible Stories~ The Sermon on the Mount+Beyond Moral Standards+The Return of the Prodigal Son
00794 Bible Stories~ The Sermon on the Mount+Beyond Moral Standards+The Return of the Prodigal Son
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  • Summary

The Sermon on the Mount~
When we read the Bible or the Brahmajala Sutra, we know that we shouldn’t treat those who slander us and act badly toward us in the same way that they treat us. We should treat them with double love and kindness. If you only let him slap you on your right cheek without reacting, he may think that you’re afraid of him or you don’t know how to react. But when you also turn your left cheek to him, he may wake up and wonder, “Well! Why did this person react this way? It’s not that he couldn’t react, but that he didn’t care about being slapped and has forgiven me.”
Spiritual Practice & Beyond Moral Standards~
This story reminds us of something. There’s no one in this world who hasn’t sinned. Besides, whether one has sinned or not depends on the situation, one’s background and one’s level of enlightenment. The so-called morality and ethics of this world are different than what real Saints perceive. Those who have attained the highest level of enlightenment see no such things… .  
The Return of the Prodigal Son~
…because we’re veiled by our so-called preconceived ideas, or our pure heart is affected by social influences. Then our guilty feelings emerge again, and we think that our sins are too heavy to deserve God‘s grace and love. The truth is we’re always worthy. How could God mind how much you’ve ruined Hiers wealth? Hes is the Creator. Hes can always create a wonderful, vast world or universe. Hes wouldn’t mind. As we destroy, Hes creates again; no problem.