00459 The Longing Heart
00459 The Longing Heart
No. 00459
Category / Between Master and Disciples-Group Meditation
Event date / 1988.11.06
Place / (Formosa)Hsihu
Language / Chinese
Time (mins) / 33m16s
Publication No. / CD-MP3-CG03
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  • Summary

If we don’t have a yearning heart, we wouldn’t feel any pain when we hear other people’s experiences. That means we do not truly want liberation from life and death. A person who truly loves God or who truly seeks the Truth really suffers a lot. Sometimes he can’t eat or sleep. He meditates all night because he feels very frustrated and miserable: Why is the Buddha still so far away? He does not feel oneness with Buddha yet, so he keeps praying. He feels very, very miserable, even more miserable than people in love.

If you haven’t gotten any benefit, I don’t blame you, but you should also have some introspection: Why haven’t I gotten such great benefits? Is it that I’m not sincere enough, longing enough, humble enough, or have enough faith? Am I still very much attached to the world? How much do I desire fame and fortune? Can I let go of the topsy-turvy worldly concepts? Have I stopped following superstitious traditions? How much do I understand Master’s logical teachings? Do I understand Master’s books? Sometimes we think we understand, so we skim through and miss a lot. We read, but we don’t pay attention, so we don’t see it. When we read again tomorrow, we may understand differently.