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Video-0895 Legends of the Rainbow Lady
Supreme Master Ching Hai told Chinese legends of Mazu, the Ninth Fairy, and the Rainbow Lady with humorous explanation. Through the stories, we learn the influence of our ego, karma, original sin and the real meaning of immortality. The Supreme Master also expressed ..(more)
Video-0896 Spiritual Practice and Sincerity Help the Planet
In light of the dire situations of our Earth such as global warming and animals’ suffering, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged our Association Members to contribute our efforts by utilizing the wisdom, courage, and love gained from spiritual practice to save the ..(more)
Video-0900(1.2) The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them
Why do we lose spiritual merits when we engage in animal-related careers such as meat, dairy and egg producing industries? How does this affect our present and future lives? What are the merits of working in jobs involving food, clothes, architecture and ..(more)
Video-0901 Without Hope or Fear
This Video/Audio contains three different gatherings between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members in 2008. Spiritual stories, jokes and practical advice given by the Supreme Master on how to spread the vegan message create a very relaxing and loving ..(more)
Video-0902 The Legend of Taoists
What does immortality mean? How did Taoist Master Zhang Daoling and the King of Huainan, Liu An, make an elixir and achieve immortality? How did Lao Tzu recover his youth? The Taoist legendary practices included rarely known meanings and secret mantras, which make ..(more)
Video-0903(1.2) Elevate Ourselves and Serve Others
Facing a difficult mundane life is like forging gold. It makes us stronger, kinder, and able to attain inner perfection and to elevate our level. When we serve others wholeheartedly, love animals with sincerity and respect, and spread the message with a loving heart ..(more)
Video-0904 Our Thinking Can Change the Universe
In sharing the statement of a simple diet, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveys that all is created by habit. Therefore, we can train ourselves to do anything. It is the same with meat eating, which anyone can also completely abstain from. Since we are the superior ..(more)
Video-0905 Develop Our Loving Quality
Through a story of loyalty dedicated to King Rama from his younger half-brother, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again kindly reminds us not to wish for things that belong to others nor ask anyone of anything under any name. Since we long for a society of goodness, we ..(more)
Video-0906 Returning to Our True Loving Self
During the 2009 international gatherings with Association Members, Supreme Master Ching Hai said that in this critical time, technology and inventions alone would not save us. If we want to live, we have to be awakened and enlightened. We don’t harm anyone, any animal. ..(more)
Video-0907 Veganism Radiates Compassionate Energy
At a gathering with Association Members, Supreme Master Ching Hai frankly said that people can be saved if only they become vegans. She also reveals that dogs fed with vegan food have become kinder. The longer they are vegan the kinder they became. A survey found that ..(more)
Video-0910 The Man Who Married a Toad
Why would a man marry a toad? What is the significance of a romantic relationship between a man and the Ninth Fairy Princess? What happens when a King challenges the loyalty of his official? What secrets does a bird reveal to its captor? During international ..(more)
Video-0911(1.2) The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master
"We are all from love, we must be love, and we must act in love." During this special teleconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai imparts her wisdom with Supreme Master Television staff. She reiterates that all living beings are connected; all religions should represent ..(more)
Video-0914 The All-Encompassing Love of a Master
With sincere longing, Association members came from all around the world to share their love and gratitude with Supreme Master Ching Hai. On several occasions, they mentioned about her timely support on their spiritual path before, during and after initiation. The ..(more)
Video-0916(1.2) New Year Aspirations: Being Closer to God
In this 2011 New Year’s Eve video conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her precious spiritual diary on how to be closer to God with the world. Also, she disclosed her great plans in saving the Earth, i.e. plans B, C and D. She said that the most important thing ..(more)
Video-0923(1.2) Be Selfless and Unconditional All the Time
At a gathering of disciples during the Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages us to contribute unconditionally and selflessly at all times. Such is the way of the universe. The moon, stars, trees, and air – they always give and ..(more)