Video-0419B The Enlightened Master is Beyond All Religions
Video-0419B The Enlightened Master is Beyond All Religions
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  • Summary

All go to the soul. What’s important is the Master. Whenever you remember the Master, He will send, if the Master is a very highly developed person, highly realized person, He can send energy, to help you to meditate. If we know the human brain completely (How to work). Then we can discover also spiritual aspect.(Yes.) There is something that makes the brain function. And that something is what the Buddhists call Buddha Nature. It’s not the physical brain really. It is something hidden within the physical apparatus.

So, the dead person is the one who wears a kind of transparent clothes. Transparent means, because it’s invisible to our physical eyes. That doesn’t mean they don’t have a figure, a being. So,the Quan Yin Bodhisattva will help both. Because, to the Buddha or the Bodhisattva, there is no discrimination between the dead or the living. It depends whether they have affinity with Quan Yin Bodhisattva. But to have the living, is better than to have the dead being. Because in the physical body, we can change the future better. We have the instrument like the brain. For the person outside the car, it’s difficult. Understand?

The Buddha stands in between, in the middle of the good and the bad. The world’s people choose to do good things, their lives are good, happy. In the middle. No doing bad things and in spiritual. And when a sincere person, he recognize this teacher is good, he will know. Not because of what the Master looks like or what the Master talks; but your feeling, your wisdom inside. Yes. The Buddha nature will let them know. Because they are the Buddha. The seekers are the Buddha.