Video-0371 The Best Way to Learn is through Experience
Video-0371 The Best Way to Learn is through Experience
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We present to you the following discussion between Supreme Master Ching Hai and General Jun Kwan in Seoul, Korea. "There are some experiences one has to go through, not just talking, just like knowing about having a baby and having a baby is different, You have to know by experience, not by books. Same with religion: Many people learn many different religious book, but they have no experience. They can read. They say, ‘Oh, the Buddha Land has Light and has beautiful...' but they never see Buddha Land. So, sometimes there’s a difference between experience and recorded history."

We present to you the following discussion between Supreme Master Ching Hai and General Jun Kwan in Seoul, Korea. “Because humans are not only the body and not only physical actions, but the spirit. And in Korea, we have the sigh like this. And one is black, the other one is white. This represents negative or physical, the physical. This one is Heaven, positive and spirit. If we only develop here, we have half empty, not yet, and we’re unhappy, like hungry.” “So, if you’re already in the army, you stay in the army; just develop this spot."

We present to you the following discussion between Supreme Master Ching Hai and General Jun Kwan in Seoul, Korea. “It’s good for the government, for the military to have a good commander; otherwise it’s just killing and it’s nonsense. Without moral, basic, any organization is no good, and in the army we need morality more, more enlightenment. I am also glad he has the temple here for the soldiers... and a monk, for them. There’s a spiritual reliance for the soldiers; they’re more balanced. It’s very good. If they have some kind of spiritual head or monks, talk to them, they will understand their duty.”