Video-0759 Au Lac in Ancient Times
Video-0759 Au Lac in Ancient Times
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  • Summary

The tragic, earth-shaking events of 1975 in Au Lac resulted in the separation of countless families, and deeply impacted the minds and lives of the Aulacese and the conscience of humanity. After the war, more than three million Aulacese had to leave their homeland, scattering across the earth to live as exiles and at the same time advocates of freedom, lighting the torch of compassion, and carrying to the five continents the fragrance of the flower of Love and Mercy.

Au Lac in Ancient Times is a compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's precious teachings on the Aulacese people's glorious essence as a noble, magnanimous, loving and sincere people. May all human beings expand their horizons, reflect inwardly and light their own torch so as to become more understanding of others, obliterate ignorance, and walk toward the future with courage. In this way we may truly deserve to be citizens of the Earth, creatures of God comprised of love, enlightenment and wisdom.