01173 The Benefits of Living Independently
01173 The Benefits of Living Independently
No. 01173
Category / Between Master and Disciples-Retreat
Event date / 19920927
Place / Hsihu,Formosa
Language / Chinese
Time (mins) / 99
Publication No. / CD-mp3-CR14
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The world is everything but perfect, so we’d better be independent. Actually when we are alone, we do not need too much. But when we are with others, the degree of necessity increases because we need to exchange with others. Master explains that she sometimes, due to the interpersonal relationship, also thinks she needs this or that to help her out of trouble. But in the end, the more help she gets, the more troubles she will have. In fact, living alone is very, very comfortable. Master will not say no to those who want to practice and meditate alone, because she also has  personal experience.

Master tells a story about Sakyamuni Buddha: The King covered by a treasure canopy 

When Buddha was in this world, it was really  amazing that so many sentient beings were liberated while everyone was  satisfied with the enjoyment of food and other entertainment. Why were those who knew and followed him able to be liberated from the sufferings and why was that some kings, high officials, civilians and etc. all gained endless benefits? Because he guided us and let us know the way, he liberated us from three kinds of evils and gain future benefits, both heavenly and worldly ones. Even the status of Nirvana can also be obtained.