01662 The Motherly Love Of A Master
01662 The Motherly Love Of A Master
No. 01662
Category / Between Master and Disciples-Retreat
Event date / 19960328
Place / Phnom Penh,Cambodia
Language / Chinese
Time (mins) / 68
Publication No. / video-541
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai talks about the circumstances during wars in her childhood, and the story of tens of thousands of African orphans struggling to survive by themselves. Anything in the world is because of karma and is illusion. But since we live in this world, we still get moved, feel sad and could not bear it. If there are not many peoplepracticing spiritually in this world, slowly it will become hell. Fortunately, we know a little about spiritual practice, sothere is some light in the world. Sometimes the newspapers report suffers of the world so that people may wake up a little and begin to cherish their own circumstances and reduce the atmosphere of complaints and reliance, and meanwhile develop more love in their heart. We should not expect a comfortable life and all sorts of delicaciesbecause we are children of God and practice a little and have protection from Master’s power. We should not expect anything. If we are children of God, we should not be afraid of hardships. We should survive in any circumstances and try to improve our situation as we have hands, feet and brains. God gave us all the tools and we should make use of them. We should not rely on God for everything. We try our best first and then God will help.

In addition, Supreme Master also addresses the way parents and children should get along. Parents need to take good care of children, give them the right concepts. Treat children nicely and love them doesn’t mean to spoil them, or let them rely on you for everything. Taking without giving all day long is not good to the children. Bringing children along while parents are working can make the children’s IQ higher. They would be smarter, more confident, and understand more of parents' work. They would become easier to communicate with as they know your pains and care. Accompany children every day, chat with them and explain as much as possible, then they will soon become clever and be one with the parents. When grown up, you’ll be just like friends, because you’ve been together since their childhood and they know everything you do.