01120 Non-Corruptive Spirit & Inter Planetary Diplomatically
01120 Non-Corruptive Spirit & Inter Planetary Diplomatically
No. 01120
Category / Between Master and Disciples-Group Meditation
Event date / 19920501&0919
Place / Hsihu+Changhua,Formosa
Language / Chinese
Time (mins) / 36
Publication No. / CD-CG30
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  • Summary

Many planets and worlds are mentioned in the Buddhist Sutra, and the media have also reported about UFO and extraterrestrial beings. How could we become a part of the inter-planetary alliance? Supreme Master Ching Hai points out that the extraterrestrial beings dare not yet interact with us openly because humans are not open-minded enough. That’s why we need to practice spiritually. After practicing Quan Yin Method, our spirit will change and we will become more broad-minded, and then we can accept inter-planetary exchange of business or science. In future, if the whole humanity becomes so expanded in their heart, we will surely make it.

The Supreme Master also reminds us that spiritual practitioners should be an example for the people outside in the society. We should train ourselves from small things and never neglect the precepts. We should nurture the spirit of honesty and lessen our worldly desire. If we truly want to be a representative of Master, we should cleanse ourselves first. Otherwise, we would be a bad representative, which will not be of any help, but only make others misunderstand our spirit of spiritual practice and thus keep others away from spiritual practice or cause regression in new initiates. We cannot hide away from our own conscience even if we run to the far corners of the world. We can only hide and keep ourselves safe in virtue and the spirit of honesty