00601-2 A Master Who Reprimands Disciples
00601-2 A Master Who Reprimands Disciples
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Supreme Master Qing Hai tells a story about an Indian master who was famous for scolding his disciples. Whatever his disciples thought, he knew it right away and reacted instantly before they spoke out. Supreme Master points out that, an enlightened master should completely know what sentient beings think about, then he can be regarded as an enlightened master. He should understand his disciples in order to help them. Everyone has different levels, personalities and wisdom, so if he treats each of them the same, they cannot grow.

A real master is like a mirror with no personality , no personal feelings or bearing . He reacts according to you, turning ugly if you are ugly and beautiful if you are beautiful. He has no "face", ego or any sense of fame at all. He does what he ought to do so that his disciples can grow up. All sentient beings have different personalities and lots of desires, with incredibly intense distracting thoughts and greed, anger and delusion pervading everywhere. If a master doesn't know everyone’s mind, there’s no way to correct our mistakes inside. Master knows what problems we have inside, thus teaches us different methods according to our levels. He teaches one method outside, but after that, he fixes different parts for different people.