00601-1 The Final Method
00601-1 The Final Method
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According to the requirements and spiritual foundation of all sentient beings, Shakyamuni Buddha taught many meditation methods, such as visualization, breathing, bone meditation, meditation on uncleanness, etc. But which one is the most perfect and final method of all? Supreme Master Ching Hai pointed out that Shakyamuni Buddha taught the Guan Yin method as the last one which had been practiced by all buddhas. He said: "Only by practicing the Guan Yin Method can one become a Buddha. Anyone who wants to become a Buddha should practice the Guan Yin Method.”

In Shurangama Sutra, Buddha calls the Guan Yin Method as “Listening Inwardly

 To the Self Nature”. “Listening Inwardly” means we listen to the inner sound. Our self nature originally has no sound, but it's now close to the coarse atmosphere of this world, so a sound of it can be heard. This sound, however, is in no way like the one we imagine and cannot be heard by physical ear. But it is a kind of sound anyway according to our experiences. That’s why the Buddha said “Listening Inwardly

 To the Self Nature”. The more we listen inwardly to our self nature, the more developed our wisdom will be. Thus we will know more about who we are and what original ability we have, our incredible power and great strength. We do this until one day we can understand our greatest status. At that time we can say this person has become Buddha.