00518-3 Remember the Source when Drinking Water & Law of Compensation
00518-3 Remember the Source when Drinking Water & Law of Compensation
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Since ancient times, spiritual masters have advised us to live a simple life whenever possible. Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us that we should always remember the source when drinking water . Each grain is a result of karma, originating from life, labor, sweat, tears and blood. We owe sentient beings a lot of favours , so the more complicated food we eat, the more karma we’ll get. Therefore, the simpler our life is, the better. If we live a simple life, we don’t have to spend so much money or work for so long time. We'll have more time for meditation so as to grow fast and help more people, making our world more and more beautiful .

Master also tells a story about the law of compensation. In this story, the wealthy man and his servant both had dreams every night. Do you want to know why the old servant always had happy and rich  dreams while the wealthy man had bad dreams of becoming a slave, working exhaustedly and getting sick all the time? Master reminds us through this story: the law of the universe is very fair . No one should bear too much sufferings and no one should enjoy too much pleasure. If someone scolds us, our karma will go to him. So don’t worry if others scold you. You should worry that no one loves us so much as to scold us. So even if others do not treat us well , we should still be grateful.