00518-6 From Misunderstanding to Gratitude
00518-6 From Misunderstanding to Gratitude
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  • Summary



Master trains disciples to be hard and soft and uses scolding method sometimes to help disciples free from and break through their preconceived ideas. During the seven-day retreat, a fellow initiate blamed master for scolding him. But the next day when he turned happy, he saw Master’s light, felt Master’s loving power, and was grateful to Master. Master explains that it's not that Master showed the light to him after he turned happy, but that he got enlightened after regaining happiness, and could see other’s levels; Master’s loving power was always there, but he was covered and couldn't see and feel it. Therefore, there's a difference between the enlightened and not enlightened.

After we become enlightened, our loving power will be increasingly revealed, to let us see through the most miserable situations and have a positive response when others disparage or scold us. Otherwise, there will be no way for us to tolerate the anger and hatred of all sentient beings, or to be really loving and caring to them, because we can’t see things through. That’s why we should be trained by so many sufferings and unjust treatments so that we can break them through and attain real liberation; no one can tell you this, because it needs personal experience to stay permanent.