00625-V0097 To Nurture The Wisdom One Needs An Enlightened Master
00625-V0097 To Nurture The Wisdom One Needs An Enlightened Master
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  • Summary

Humans have two types of knowledge: one is acquired and the other is our natural gift. The former is called intelligence, knowledge or memory, which means that we can acquire and collect materials that have been discovered by others; the latter is called heavenly knowledge or wisdom, which is learned from inside and are our innate gift as a result of life-after-life training. If we want to know more about the in-depth wonders of the universe, we should calm down more, because when we are busy, it’s impossible to connect with the great wisdom inside or listen to his instructions. Only by meditations can we experience the attainment of great wisdom.

Master offers the Guan Yin Method to let us meditate everyday so as to listen to the instructions of our inner great wisdom. Then we can be more and more enlightened and relaxed to perform tasks; our life in this world will become simpler and we will gain more wonderful experiences. If we do not listen to the great wisdom, we will not be that great even if we have the most knowledge in this word. That knowledge is not perfect. It’s not discovered by the great wisdom, but from very limited worldly materials. It's just a system in which everyone learns about the same knowledge, nothing different and nothing changed.