02144-3c The Yellow Emperor
02144-3c The Yellow Emperor
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When Master read about the Yellow Emperor who brought peace, warmth, food, contentment and happiness to his people, Master was moved, praising the Yellow Emperor as a benevolent ruler. The Yellow Emperor didn’t become proud for making his people happy, he humbly looked for Taoist saint Guang Chengzi to practice spiritually. For this reason, Master commented that it’s no wonder that the Yellow Emperor along with Shen Long, Yao and Shun have been held in high regard in Chinese history. It’s because they practiced spiritually. We know it just by observing their behavior. As an emperor who had pacified the world, he bowed before Guang Chenzi immediately.  He didn’t feel proud for pacifying his country. He didn’t take any credit. His only thought was, “Now I have time to practice spiritually.”

True humility is the most important thing for spiritual practitioners. It’s not just a virtue. If we are humble, it means we don’t hold on to anything, we don’t have any ego, and we are not attached to anything that makes us proud. We don’t claim, “This is mine. I should be credited for this. It’s my work.” He was so humble, it means his heart was “empty;” perhaps, because he practiced spiritually. It’s because the Yellow Emperor practiced well spiritually that he was able to make order in his family, govern the country and pacify the world. That’s how heaven on Earth was made.