02199 Love is Very Important+The Chinese zodiac’s
02199 Love is Very Important+The Chinese zodiac’s
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If you pay too much attention to the material life, it will be harder for your spiritual side to elevate.  It’s not that I forbid you to focus on the material life, nor is it that I discourage you to ask for blessings in begetting a son or gaining more money, but then your level will be too low.  If you want these things, go beg the Earth God; you don’t need to come to me.  My job is to help people get liberated and find their own true Self, their noble Buddha nature, so that they can not only save themselves, but through them their five, six, seven or eight generations can also be elevated.  If they are even higher, they can also save others and be a hero, a Bodhisattva or a saint.  I really don’t like the kind of “spiritual beggars” who don’t practice spiritually but keep begging for this or that or begging for someone’s blessings or magical power.  This is not the proper attitude of a Quan Yin Method practitioner.

As a spiritual practitioner, we must keep our body, speech and mind clean.  Since we are more and more sensitive as we progress in spiritual practice, we know that the outside people’s thoughts or energy fields could affect us; we should also pay attention that we do not harm other people.  And of course, you shouldn’t harm me.  You should protect my body and spirit, and you should love me more.  It’s not that I need your love; it’s just to help me keep my energy, so I can take care of others and serve others.

Nowadays European people don’t need a visa when they travel in many European countries.  Master says such changes happened so quickly because the European people are blessed.  If people don’t have blessings, then changes can’t happen so quickly.  Master hopes that in the future the whole world will become borderless, so people can travel freely.

 Master also chatted about the Chinese zodiac’s influence on marriage.  Finally  Master said, “The incompatible ones were due to the bad karma (retribution) from past lives.  Getting along or not on earth, you will be fine when you go up to heaven.”