00501-V0032 The Freeway Method
00501-V0032 The Freeway Method
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 How to choose from so many different spiritual methods? Which method is the safest and quickest to attainment? Master said there was one method that would never let you be possessed by evil spirits, and that is the Quan Yin Method. With this method, there’s no way you can be possessed, even if you want to. There are many different methods, and each of them has its benefits, but the Quan Yin Method is the fastest, safest and without any side effects. It’s the freeway method, fast and comfortable, yet with no traffic jam.

 We have  already achieved the best in human ways, but now when we practice the way of the Bodhisattva, we will have more invisible power, and we’ll be  more able to help the whole world. We have  helped Formosa (Taiwan), we have all the human force, all the power, money, fame and position, but we lack the invisible power, the power of the Bodhisattva. To practice the Quan Yin Method is to have the power of the Bodhisattva, and we can save the hell beings and uplift the heaven beings, and deliver  people to Paramita Or “the other shore”).



1.Why do all kinds of religions flourish in Formosa? Master praised the people of Formosa for having compassion, empathy for other people, and a giving heart. Although Formosa is not big, there are charitaty organizations everywhere. Only when a country’s civilization and material aspects are highly developed , she will have space to develop the spiritual aspects. But also because of the kindness of the country’s people and the great number of charity organizations, the atmosphere became gentle and kind, which is suitable for the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to come and communicate with us.

2.Why is it difficult to develop religious, moral and charity aspects in a country that is not free?

3.What is the difference between collective karma and individual karma? Why is it said that people’s spiritual and moral level can be generally known through the leaders of that country or area?

4.Master reminds us, when we have reached a high level of human being, we should know that we were sent here by Buddha and heaven, so we  naturally have high ideals, noble personalities and compassionate hearts. So we should know that we are not ordinary human beings, our mission is to come here and help needy sentient beings. Since we have completed the mission, we should return to our heavenly home. After returning home we can still come back by our will, but because we have worked for so long, we might lose our power and our blessing power will diminish. That’s why even though we have become perfect human beings, we still need to recharge ourselves, and be more perfect in the future. 

5.How to tell a person’s inner level of wisdom by his actions?

6.We only live a hundred years at the most, how do we prepare our “luggage” for the time of death?

7.Why is that reciting the Buddhist scriptures and sitting in meditation cannot necessarily open our wisdom?

8.If the Buddha comes to give us (title)Vyakarana during meditation, what should we do?

9.The world population keeps increasing, and many people practice spiritually but few ggot liberation. How can we make sure that we are liberated? Master said that most people had misunderstood that we should wait until we die to get liberation, it’s totally wrong! If you practice a good method, you should be liberated now, and  know heaven now, not wait until you die, it would be too late! What if Buddha doesn’t come to you when you die? Who can give you guarantee? If you practice the Quan Yin Method, Master promises that you can see Buddha’s land and heaven in this lifetime, and you will surely know where you’ll be reborn before you die, and you can choose where to go in Buddha’s land. This is the real enlightenment and true guarantee. Otherwise, everybody says you will be liberated with my method, but when? Who can guarantee? Can you guarantee with your life? 

10.Sentient beings make bad karma because of greed and lust. How to cut our greed and lust? Master said, after practicing the Quan Yin Method, we will be contented inside, so we  naturally cut our greed. Many people have stopped drinking, smoking, eating betel nuts, gambling and killing after following Master. That’s why Master said that only practicing the Quan Yin Method could help you to cut the greed, because we will see our own splendor, and have  inner happiness that cannot be replaced by any material things. Now we see material things as garbage, so we’re not greedy anymore.

11.How can we change students with behavior problems by the power of Buddhism? Master said it’s best that we can get the essence of the scriptures. The invisible essence does not refer to the linguistic scripture, but the real scripture that can only be transmitted in silence. For example if we practice the Quan Yin Method, we have an invisible power that can touch others, and that is better.

12.Why is sickness the reward from Buddha? Master said, sometimes we’re lost in this world, we work too much and help the world too much, and we grow a kind of ego and rely on the power of the body, material things, ephemeral things, money, fame and gain, and we forget the power of the Buddha, that’s why we get sick suddenly. Sickness is the Buddha’s way to remind us that our body is ephemeral, and we should hurry and seek our eternal power inside.

13.If a vegan person has an accident and needs blood transmission, should he refuse the blood of a meat eater?

14.After initiation, should we still check the auspicious calendars for marriage, funerals and celebrations?

15.If we practiced to the highest level of the Quan Yin Method, should we let go of the attachment to the “dharma”? Master said that when we enter Samadhi and go to very high levels, we don’t even know about “dharma” anymore. There is not any  dharma anymore, so there will naturally be no attachment. But when we come back to this human body, we still have the “dharma”. Because this world is different, we practice not only to protect ourselves from maya’s interference, but also to bless the world and clean the society, using our good vibration to dissolve the bad vibration, so we should continue to practice according to the dharma.