00522 The Secret Method to Recognize Our Inner True Self
00522 The Secret Method to Recognize Our Inner True Self
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  • Summary



    Through the story of a missionary and a drowning child, Supreme Master Ching Hai explains to us that most of the  people in this world are drowning in greed, anger, delusion, worry, ignorance, fame and hatred. We are like the drowning child who needs a method that can save his life first, instead of a lot of preaching. The Supreme Master Ching Hai offers a secrete method that can help us recognize the real one  who is wearing this physical body, that is our true Self who  is never  born or dies.

    Why are there still many things we don’t understand? Because we have not made use of our own wisdom. We have a great treasure within us that we did not use. When we practice in this life till we can  be  liberated from the cycle of life and death and this physical body, we will  truly realize, “Oh, truly, we are not this body and we can  come in and out this body any time freely.”

           We have listened to a lot of people’s lectures, read a lot of scriptures and learned a lot of theories. We just need a little experience, which can show us that there are real experiences in spiritual practice, there is real power beyond this world that can really help us, our relatives, our countries and the universe.  You see spiritual practitioners from the olden times looked very healthy, dignified and relaxed. They were like us, except that after practicing spiritually, their inside changed, and their outside changed as well.