00489 What Is the Purpose of Becoming a Nun or Monk?
00489 What Is the Purpose of Becoming a Nun or Monk?
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  • Summary

Does one have to be a renunciate to practice spiritually? On this question, Master gave a flexible and balanced answer.  Master said, “Any one-sided teaching is not in accordance with one’s heart and natural tendency.” “People are different. The Creator can accommodate all kinds of personalities, thoughts, and degrees of development. Some people feel lonely, so they prefer to have a wife or a husband by their side. They prefer to have someone waiting for them and welcoming them when they are back from work, practicing spiritually with them and dealing with the problems in the world together with them. Some people are very independent, so they don’t need any friend by their side. Everyone is okay. No problem. As long as they have strong faith, they are fine.

” Some initiates saw two Masters while listening to Her lecture. Master explains the different work the physical Master does and the Master of the other world does.

One can be liberated in one lifetime through practicing the Quan Yin Method.

What’s the difference between liberation and becoming a Buddha?

Does one become a Buddha after receiving initiation?

What’s the consequence of becoming a renunciate in order to run away from family and work?

Can one run away from one’s karma and become a Buddha?