00235 Surangama Sutra Volume 9–Ten Kinds of Illusory Obstacles Created By Phenomena
00235 Surangama Sutra Volume 9–Ten Kinds of Illusory Obstacles Created By Phenomena
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  • Summary

In Surangama Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha mentioned to Ananda 10 kinds of illusory obstacles created by phenomena during the process of spiritual practice. Do you know what the 10 kinds of illusory obstacles created by phenomena are? Buddha told Ananda: many people would think themselves as great saint when they attain one or two levels, or even acclaim they have become Buddha. Thus they are lying and would go to hell; therefore, we should be cautious. Buddha also told Ananda to promote the Dharma in the Dharma-ending Age, so as to warn people not to be cheated by Maya.

Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us: it would be troublesome if we do not continue practicing and if we become arrogant and think we are high enough and do not need practice any more. Maya would come immediately once we stop practicing Quan Yin Method. Whatever level we’ve reached in our spiritual practice, we should be humble and not arrogant, repenting every day and knowing that we haven't practiced enough and are still dark inside. It's nothing for our practitioners to see Buddha and Bodhisattva. Everything is created by our mind; Bodhisattvas also come from inside us. It would be fine if we are not attached to it and do not think we are Buddha; we would only be hindered by Maya if we are too fond of the status and think we've gained the Buddhahood.