00234 Surangama Sutra Volume 1– Buddha Told Ananda - All Stayed In Their Places and Listened Attentively With Closed Palms
00234 Surangama Sutra Volume 1– Buddha Told Ananda - All Stayed In Their Places and Listened Attentively With Closed Palms
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  • Summary

Ananda was Buddha’s attendant and was pre-eminent in hearing Dharma, but why was he still lacking in wisdom and weak in will power and nearly got lured to break the precepts? What did he ask from Shakyamuni Buddha mercifully teach him? Buddha accepted his request and emitted various lights from His forehead and merged all worlds into one; all Bodhisattvas stayed in their places and listened attentively with closed palms. Please listen to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s simple but profound explanations of the Surangama Sutra.

Having seen Buddha’s Thirty Two Good Appearances, Ananda felt great admiration and respect for Buddha and decided to follow him and become a monk. Buddha told Ananda not to be attached to anything that was seen by the eyes and asked him to explain what the heart is and where it's located. After some discussions between the Master and disciple, what did Ananda realize?