00579 The Number of Enlightened Masters in the Universe and the Merit of Keeping the Five Precepts 
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  • Summary

Do you know how many enlightened Masters there are in the universe? What merits can one gain by keeping the Precepts? Most chosen enlightened Masters are Buddhas from ancient times. There are just a few even if they are chosen multiple times. Others seem to have less power. When the time is up, one is chosen, is reborn in this world, and goes on to transmit the Dharma. When that one is gone, another one is chosen. There are a dozen ancient Buddhas like this who specialize in teaching sentient beings; therefore, very few people in this world attain the Tao. It’s not enough to attain anything because the wisdom is too small. They are trained just in the mundane world and the training process is very slow.

We have to have great power and magic, and should strictly keep the Five Precepts. A kind of power will be generated if we keep any Precept strictly. If we don’t kill, we cannot be harmed by any animal; if we don’t steal, great wealth will gather around our feet; if we don’t lie, our wishes for anyone will have power; if we don’t indulge in sexual relationships, we will have greater physical power to control it and greater power to share with others, so all the Precepts have their benefits. That’s why we should keep them. It’s not that we should keep the Precepts because others tell us to.