00580 Why Can We Become Buddha
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  • Summary

Why can we become Buddha? If we guide our mind to the magnetic field, thinking, manner, precepts and life style of a Buddha, then of course we can become Buddha in future lifetimes. As long as we control our action, speech and mind, having the same virtuous heart as the Buddha, Bodhisattva and celestial beings, the same uplifted thinking and compassionate deeds, we will attain the status of Buddha. This is the precepts and standard of Buddha's land: stay together with Buddha's power, keep Bodhisattva's precepts, live Bodhisattva's life, do Bodhisattva's deeds, charity, precepts, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom.

  1. What power can one gain through strictly keeping the precepts? Master tells the story that her ex-husband's wish for her to become a monk and Buddha came true.
  2. Why do Masters still give initiation to some people who don’t seem to deserve it?
  3. Why is human body very precious and hard to obtain? How can one reach the standard of a human body?
  4. Why does it take hundreds of millions of eons to train a real Buddha? Why is it that in the universe spiritual teachers are mostly ancient Buddha?
  5. We are originally Buddha, but why do we become ordinary person after we come here?
  6. Why do some people choose other path after initiation from Master? How do fellow initiates encourage each other to practice?
  7. What is real repentance? Why can real repentance cleanse our obstacles?
  8. Some people can only hear the sound during sound meditation but can't see the light. How can we fix the problem of the wisdom eye?
  9. Most people see light during spiritual practice but cannot get to the highest and most perfect level. Why can the inner ear work properly only when the heavenly eye is not perfect? What is the status of Srotāpanna in Buddhism?