00188 The Real Lotus Sutra
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  • Summary

The Quan Yin Method is the simplest and the most natural method. To practice spiritually, we should go with the Tao. We can't use the body or the mind of an ordinary being to practice. We need to give up everything from the body, speech and mind of an ordinary being. The minds of ordinary beings are too used to complicated things, and that’s why very few people can practice the Quan Yin Method.

The Quan Yin Method is the best method because to practice it, we don't need to use the ears, eyes, mind or body. All teachings (Dharma) are empty of characteristics. They are neither born, nor do they die; they are neither defiled nor clean; they have no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; and nothing is used at all. At the time we realize this, our real Nature will appear. That's the origin of the expression "attaining Buddhahood by realizing one’s own Buddha Nature."

The thick book known as the Lotus Sutra that everyone is familiar with is not the real Lotus Sutra. The real Lotus Sutra is of another kind. In that so-called Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha told a lot of stories, metaphors and visions, all of which was to praise the real Lotus Sutra, which is actually different from the one we think of!

In the chapter called “Master's Merits” in the Lotus Sutra, it says, "The Master who can really teach the Lotus Sutra can see many visions including Heaven and hell with his naked eyes and can hear a lot of sounds both inside and outside with his physical ears. He can hear any sound." Because the Master also practices the Quan Yin Method, his inner and outer eyes are both opened, so he can use his outer eyes in just the same way that he uses his inner eye.

  1. Have there always been highly enlightened Masters and great disciples who spread the Dharma, give lectures, and teach people the Truth generation after generation?
  2. It is said that spiritual practitioners should control themselves, practice asceticism and contemplate their solar plexus, nose, head, bones (the White Bone Contemplation), breath and a lot of other things, but why is the Quan Yin Method as taught by Master so simple?
  3. What is meant by "vowing to deliver the boundless sentient beings"?
  4. How can we become real filial persons? What should we do to truly benefit the family?
  5. Why is it that morality is more important than knowledge?
  6. Some people dream chaotic dreams during their sleep, and feel horrified. They sweat a lot and get scared. When they wake up, they can't fall asleep again, and then they feel very tired. Why does this happen?
  7. We hear that "everything is created by the mind." We also hear that "we are God, or the son of God, or the son of Buddha." Then how can the son of God or Buddha be so poor, weak and miserable?
  8. No matter which ashram we go to, we can see a lot of people come to worship the Buddha and recite the Sutras. But why are very few people able to meditate and practice quietly?
  9. The sound outside attracts our attention, and this attraction is very strong. Why is that?
  10. How can we realize the state mentioned in the Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch that "Outwardly without form is Zen; inwardly unconfused is meditation"?
  11. What are the prerequisites for becoming a real Master?
  12. How do we see the Buddha's land or Heaven with our physical eyes and hear the wonderful sound or Buddha's sound with our physical ears?
  13. Many people like to talk about the Lotus Sutra because they think describing it to others gains them the highest merit and will bring them a lot of blessings. Is this true?
  14. What is the real Lotus Sutra or Diamond Sutra?
  15. While teaching in "the heavenly school," Shakyamuni Buddha said that "Quan Yin Bodhisattva has such and such merit or such and such blessings, and if someone sees Quan Yin Bodhisattva or hears the name of Quan Yin Bodhisattva, they will have such and such blessings." When the sentient beings of the mundane world hear the name of Quan Yin Bodhisattva, will they also gain blessings?
  16. We ordinary people can't see the Bodhisattvas, so how can we worship them? Is it useful to worship a wooden Buddha? Will it also give us boundless merits?
  17. How can we know whether the method we learned is the right path or the evil one?
  18. Can the Truth be told to others through language?
  19. What does the human body come from?
  20. Why do people in temples ring bells or play music while reciting the sutras?