00196 What Is Maya?
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  • Summary

If a person uses means such as wealth, beauty, wine, meat, or fame to bind us to this world and hinder us from practicing and gaining liberation, that person is the subordinate of maya, or is probably himself the king of maya. Don't think that maya is only in hell. He’s in this world! However, those who bind us don’t look like the true maya. Charming individuals are also maya; those who give us a lot of money and like to cook meat and offer wine to us are all maya; those who don't practice spiritually or don’t seek liberation are all maya! So we should be very cautious in order to discern who is maya and who is Buddha.

In this world, no one is reliable except our Master, who will take us up when we die, helps us in difficult times, and solves any problems that we may have. This is our inner Master, not the physical one. Hes is formless, and stays by our side and never leaves us life after life. Hes won’t leave us until we become Buddha and reach the state of liberation. Hes is our best and most reliable friend.

  1. The Quan Yin Method looks very simple, but why do ordinary people have difficulty accepting it and instead prefer other complicated, painstaking methods?
  2. Many fellow initiates can't concentrate during meditation even after practicing for decades. But why can others, who have little knowledge and don't understand the scriptures, meditate well after learning from Master for only a short time?
  3. Why should we sincerely thank the enlightened Master? What should we do to truly show our appreciation to the enlightened Master?
  4. Some religious schools or groups emphasize morality and being a good person; why doesn't Master talk much about moral matters?
  5. What's the meaning of "offering"? Since Master doesn't accept offerings from anyone, how can we make an "offering" to Master?
  6. All religious schools claim they are the best. How can we distinguish good religious schools or groups from bad ones?
  7. Why is there no need to argue with others that our Master and Method are the best? What influence will it have on us if we argue too much?
  8. Why shouldn't we tell others about our spiritual experiences? What's a better way to tell, if we have to tell others?
  9. How does one determine if a person is possessed by maya? Why does Master say "maya is also a sentient being and a Bodhisattva"?
  10. What is liberation while living? Why is it said that we should practice even harder if we like this world?
  11. What is ego? How does too much ego hinder our spiritual practice?