00306 The Soul Will Know What Is True
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  • Summary

Why do people like to go to bright places? That’s because we love our inner Buddha Light, our own Light, which our soul longs for but cannot find; therefore, we grab something fake from outside in the belief that it will satisfy us. However, it gives us no satisfaction, and the more fake things we have, the more our longing grows. Our own Master likes the Truth and can find no satisfaction in the false stuff outside. Isn’t that so?

Our soul knows what is true, so even children can practice the Quan Yin Method and 99-year-old grandmas can understand it. Why can they understand it? Because our soul understands and we long for it. That’s why after initiation and practicing the Quan Yin Method, some people care for nothing as they become satisfied and stop seeking things.



  1. Seek further progress after reaching the tip of a hundred-foot pole. What does this saying in Zen Buddhism mean?
  2. Was the Quan Yin Method practiced in the ancient times? Why is it called the Quan Yin Method? Does it have other names?
  3. Mazu Daoyi was a great Zen Master in China. Why did He leave His hometown to spread the Dharma in other places?
  4. Shakyamuni Buddha said He was not the Moon, but rather, the finger pointing at the Moon. Ancient Masters have departed this world; where can we seek the Supreme Dharma?
  5. In this civilized world, life has become more convenient. Compared to the ancient people, why do modern people fall victim to illnesses that cause greater mental suffering and hard-to-cure physical conditions?
  6. We pray everyday for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to come down and lead us to liberation from the mundane world. But when  they come down, why are they slandered and attacked?
  7. A man took 99 lives. Do you know how Shakyamuni Buddha got him to put down his inner knife and lead him to enlightenment?
  8. Can we become initiated with just a glance from an enlightened Master? What is true initiation?
  9. Some new initiates have a lot of inner experiences. Why does Master shut them off later?
  10. Why are Quan Yin practitioners less attached? How should we fulfill our responsibilities in this world?
  11. Master tells the story of Kabir and explains why people sometimes have a halo and sometimes do not. How can we have Light at all times?
  12. Why do people see light emanating from Master during Her lectures but less light at other times? Does Master emit light only when She gives lectures?
  13. A great master once said that we should see our Master more often each day if we have the time. Why is it so important for us to see Master more often?